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There are two types of forklift hydraulics: ram-type cylinders and piston-type cylinders.
Forklift Hydraulics: Ram-Type Cylinders
Ram-type cylinders use a rod with a single diameter, or straight rod. These rods fit closely into the cylinder that is sealed against fluid leaks at the opening. These type rods are used in single direction cylinders (i.e. lift cylinders). Ram-type cylinders are also referred to as fluid displacement cylinders.
Forklift Hydraulics: Piston-Type Cylinders
Piston-type cylinders are rods with a piston attached. Hydraulic fluid can push the piston either way in the cylinder with this design. Fluid seals on the piston maintain pressure on either side. Most lift cylinders use this design. All tilt, attachment and power steering cylinders are piston style.
Lift cylinders used in forklifts today can use ram, piston or a combination of both styles. The importance of knowing what type of cylinder is used in operation allows a service technician to properly troubleshoot and source the correct forklift parts.
Contact ProLift for answers on your forklift hydraulics! Our certified technicians are trained for all makes and models of forklifts.
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