Have confidence in your purchase! Before purchasing a new forklift, request a forklift demo or short-term rental. REQUEST FORKLIFT DEMO
If you were purchasing a car, would you skip the test drive? No! Taking the car for a drive gives you the opportunity to check out what you are buying from the gas mileage to the convenient sunglasses holder. So why would you skip a forklift demo?
On paper, a forklift may appear to have the features needed for your application the capacity, fuel type, tires, etc. However, a demo brings clarity to questions.
Forklift Demo Questions
Do the operators like the forklift?
A forklift demo lets operators become a part of the buying process. An operator that uses the forklift during a shift can provide valuable feedback on visibility and maneuverability. Plus, rider comfort typically increases productivity and safety.
Why is there a price difference?
On their own, quotes may not show the reasons why a forklift’s initial cost is higher. Besides highlighting unique features, a forklift demo explains how the value of the forklift is determined over its life cycle. Advances in technology also bring options that were not available during your last purchase.
Do I have the right forklift?
A forklift demo answers the concern of having the right type of equipment for your application, especially if you plan to use a different type of forklift. For example, you may learn your process is not ready for a fuel switch from LP to electric or the planned option isn’t used by operators. Typically a forklift demo is two days. If you have a large fleet, consider renting a similar forklift for (30) days, which allows more operators to use the equipment.
Contact ProLift to schedule a forklift demo! Or, learn more about our quality product lines.