Need a forklift option that warns operators about low fuel? Contact ProLift for details! CONTACT PROLIFT
Accidents can be the result of running out of forklift fuel.
Imagine an operator picking up a load with a paper roll clamp attachment. After raising the load to an appropriate height, the operator moves the forklift forward to place the load on top of other rolls. Suddenly, the forklift engine dies. Out of fuel, the operator must leave the protection of an overhead guard, locate a new LP tank and stand near a 4,000 lb roll of paper that’s drifting down while the forklift fuel is replenished.
Forklift Fuel Risks & Prevention
Whether it causes loss of function or a long hike to locate a LP tank, running out of forklift fuel puts operators and nearby pedestrians in danger. Also, some facilities have strict rules about changing LP tanks in an effort to reduce the possibility of fire and explosion; therefore, effort must be made to tow the forklift to an approved fueling station.
Options to assist operators include installation of low fuel indicator lights, use of tanks with a fuel gauge or checking the weight of the tank.
Checking forklift fuel levels during pre-shift inspections and throughout the day is valuable. Contact ProLift to speak to an equipment specialist about investing in low fuel indicator lights.
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