Proper storage of LP tanks keep your warehouse and employees safe. ProLift’s safety training classes review LP gas storage and other safety tips. SCHEDULE TRAINING
A large percentage of forklifts operated in the U.S. are fueled by LP, also known as liquefied petroleum. LP gas is a flammable mixture of hydrocarbon gases, primarily propane and butane.
One gallon of LP gas is equivalent to 270 gallons of vapor; therefore, an 8 gallon cylinder of LP gas has a capacity of approximately 2,400 gallons of vapor.
LP Gas Safety
Its highly flammable nature makes LP gas vulnerable to creating fires and explosions. Proper ventilation is vital to ensure released vapors are not captured, especially in areas with nearby ignition sources. Use of personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves and safety glasses is also required.
LP Gas Storage
Storage of LP gas is addressed by OSHA regulation 1910.178(f)(2): The storage and handling of liquefied petroleum gas fuel shall be in accordance with NFPA Storage and Handling of Liquefied Petroleum Gases (NFPA No. 58-2012), which is incorporated by reference as specified in Sec. 1910.6.
For specific instruction on storage of LP gas at your facility, please contact your local fire marshal.
Do your forklift operators know how to safely change a LP tank? ProLift offers safety training classes for your operators and in-house trainers. Contact our Safety Specialist to schedule a class at your facility!