
Equipment Options For Your Toyota Reach Truck

Explore Toyota’s range of reach truck options designed to boost efficiency in tight warehouse spaces. From advanced features to versatile designs, find out how Toyota reach trucks can meet your specific material handling needs and optimize storage capacity.

Toyota reach truck driven in warehouse and electric pallet jack loading product in a trailer.

Reach Trucks And Narrow Aisle Operations

Reach trucks are the ideal forklift for narrow aisle operation in your warehouse and distribution center. Their ability to maneuver within tight aisles provides the opportunity to increase your pallet racking and storage. 

To enhance productivity for your specific application and the operator’s experience, reach truck options are available.

Popular Toyota Reach Truck Options And Accessories


Placing products at great heights can be challenging, increasing the risk of damage and causing productivity loss as operators may need several attempts to position the pallet correctly. Equipping your reach truck with a laser line aligned with the fork tips, helping operators accurately position the forks with the pallet opening on the first try.

Height And Tilt Indicator

When your pallet racking heights are known, this indicator reports when the forks have reached the height. The operator is also informed if the forks are level or tilted upwards.

Reach Interlock Switch

When a forklift operator travels with the reach extended, the reach interlock switch automatically limits travel speed to 0–3.5 mph. Additional safety features are available for reach trucks, such as options that reduce travel speed when an operator’s feet are not fully inside the compartment.

Forklift operator driving a Toyota forklift loading product on to pallet racking.

Equipment Finder

Start your search for available equipment and product lines with ProLift’s equipment finder. It helps you quickly identify the best solutions that match your criteria.

Equipment Finder

Mast Lift Limit Switch With Bypass

For warehouses that need different height limits due to ceilings or obstacles, this switch lets you preset the limits. When the mast reaches the first limit it will stop lifting and display a message, letting the operator choose to continue moving the mast upward.

Third Overhead Guard Leg

The dock package with a third overhead guard (OHG) leg prevents your operator from leaning their upward body outside the compartment. The additional leg also deters the pallet racking or other facility obstruction from entering the operator compartment. When adding this option, some companies consider a raised back rest as well.

Toyota Double Reach Truck

To get more storage, Toyota’s double reach truck provided a deeper reach into pallet racking and lets your operator load and unload back-to-back pallets. Pallet storage can increase up to 50%.

Partner with ProLift for your reach truck selection and purchase. The Toyota product line offers several options to match your product flow and productivity.

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