
Maintaining Forklift Coolant Levels

Maintaining proper coolant levels is essential to prevent forklift overheating and extend equipment life. Learn key steps for monitoring and managing coolant levels to keep your forklift operating at peak performance.

ProLift Toyota service technician arriving in a service vehicle to do forklift service.

Forklift Coolant and Overheating

Keeping your forklift’s coolant level maintained is essential to prevent overheating, which can damage the belts, hoses, and clamps that regulate coolant flow. Overheating also risks rust, corrosion, accelerated engine wear, and even severe system failure.

In liquid propane (LP) forklifts, low coolant levels can cause the fuel regulator to freeze, leading to engine failure or rough performance due to restricted fuel flow within the regulator.

A well-cooled forklift is safer for everyone. Should overheating cause a coolant hose or clamp to fail, operators or nearby pedestrians could be exposed to the dangers of scalding from steam or hot coolant.

Maintenance for Forklift Coolant Levels

Placing your forklift on a maintenance program is a good way to track your coolant level and ensure the cooling system is working efficiently. A typical check-up should include:

  • Pressure test of the coolant system
  • Radiator blow-out
  • Inspection of belts, hose and clamps for leaks
  • Water pump inspection
  • Coolant fan inspection for cracks or damaged blades
  • Check of the protection level of coolant (i.e. freeze and boiling protection)

To learn the recommended degree of coolant protection for your forklift, refer to the operator manual. 

Connect with ProLift to learn more about available maintenance programs and pricing. Our four programs are designed to resolve common forklift maintenance and service challenges.

Toyota service technician kneeling next to a Toyota forklift to perform service and repair.

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When you need help installing a part, count on ProLift for expert forklift service and repair, with a guaranteed 4-hour response time.

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