Are you seeing damaged forklift operator seats at your facility? REQUEST QUOTE
Can you imagine riding in your car on a torn seat during an 8-hour road trip? When we do not periodically replace damaged forklift operator seats, we are essentially asking the same of our operators – every shift, every day.
How does a damaged forklift operator seat affect production?
Forklift Operator Ergonomics
The loss of the seat’s cushion and support creates an uncomfortable ride with exposed wires, increased heat and excessive vibration. As the shift goes on, operators become sore and irritated which then decreases productivity.
Forklift Seat Belt
A damaged forklift operator seat may also pose a larger problem if the seat belt doesn’t work. During an OSHA audit, a non-working seat belt may result in a fine under the General Duty clause of 1910.178. More importantly, a restraint system can be a life-saver in an event of tip-over or the forklift being driven off a dock.
Invest in your forklift … and your employees. Contact us for a quote on a forklift operator seat!