High efficiency lighting decreases wattage, resulting in lower energy costs. REQUEST QUOTE
Many companies are discovering their latest budget savings with energy saving products and high efficiency lighting is part of the “Go Green” movement. The product is a benefit to the environment and provides long-term results in decreasing company overhead.
High Efficiency Lighting Benefits
Energy Savings
High-intensity discharge (HID) lamps need temperatures above 500 degrees Fahrenheit to reach their operating status, taking up to three minutes to “warm up.” Compared to HID lamps, high efficiency lighting uses less wattage. This decrease in wattage results in lower electric bills and can be especially advantageous to companies running more than one work shift. Another example of energy savings is the replacement of HID lamps in an air-conditioned warehouse. For every 8 HID lamps that are replaced, 1 ton of air conditioning will be saved.
Improve Light Quality
Over time, the amount of light given off by a HID bulb will diminish. HID lamps lose up to 60% of their light output over the life of the bulb. High efficiency lighting is more consistent. They lose only 5% of their luminosity over their life span. The upgraded bulb also gives lighting choices for your operation, offering three spectrums: soft, medium and bright.
Reduce Maintenance Costs
Because of the longer life cycle of high efficiency lighting, replacement of bulbs is less frequent. While HID lamps last 7,500 to 20,000 hours, high efficiency lighting operates 25,000 to 35,000 hours. Maintenance costs are also reduced due to the cost of bulbs. Many companies use coated HID lamps because of the explosion risk of lamps reaching the end of their life cycle. HID lamps can cost $17-35 each compared to high efficiency lamps that cost under $4 each.
Reduce Fire Risks
High efficiency lighting operates at a cooler temperature than HID lights, decreasing the possibility of a fire risk. HID lamps average an operating temperature of 750 degrees. The high efficiency lighting operates with much less heat. Reaching a little over 100 degrees, it is easily touchable after operation.
Increase Property Value
For companies owning and leasing warehouse space, high efficiency lighting can be a plus when advertising to tenants. The energy savings will benefit their operation costs. High efficiency lighting also provides better aesthetics and security as well as quieter operation.
Federal Tax Incentives
Many companies can reduce the capital expenditure of high efficiency lighting by applying for federal and state energy credits, deductions and rebates. Working with a reputable supplier will ensure knowledge of current programs.
Are you a good candidate for high efficiency lighting? Contact a storage & handling specialist to schedule a facility survey and determine long-term energy savings.
Schedule Facility Survey